Student ministries
Babies through age 4 are welcomed in our animal themed nursery, filled with educationally stimulating and developmentally appropriate toys. The older kids enjoy a short Bible story and lots of play time! Worship music fills the room as our teachers pray over and care for your child.
The Nursery is open at 9:45 and closes 15 after the end of the main service.
Our dynamic children’s ministry is focused on meeting Jesus. We use worship, the arts, and games to teach kids ages 5 to 5th grade the Biblical principles needed to walk out their Christian lives. Word focused and Spirit led, we believe God wants to have a vital relationship with children even at this young age. Children’s Church is held on the first and third Sundays of each month after worship.
Our Middle School class is a great way for tweens to connect with one another! We dig into biblical truths and teach them how to walk with God in practical ways. Students meet after worship once a month and for occasional outings, depending on the schedule. Please contact Michelle for more details.
This power-packed group of youth are serious about seeking Jesus, loving one another, and serving God and others. High School students join the adults on Sunday mornings and meet most Sunday evenings for a time of teaching and fellowship. They also participate in monthly events and social outings. Please contact Michelle for more information.
This fantastic group of young people meet together on most Wednesday nights for a time of digging deeper in the Word, and for times of prayer, worship and accountability. If you are a late teen or a twenty-something, please contact Michelle for more information and times.